[RTTY] Linux contesting software?

Doug Hall k4dsp.doug at gmail.com
Mon Jun 12 15:08:27 EDT 2006

As you might expect, the pickings are slimmer under Linux. But there is some
software out there.

TLF is a contesting program for Linux similar to TR-Log, and in fact it uses
the same file format. See
http://home.claranet.nl/users/reinc/TLF-0.2.htmlfor details. It
supports RTTY contesting through the gMFSK program (
http://gmfsk.connect.fi/index.html) or it can use an external controller.

I have not used TLF to do a full contest, but I have tried it out and it
runs and appears to be a viable option. Don't know how Linux literate you
are, but if you're not interested in fiddling with it a bit then you might
stick with Windows. As far as I know there is nothing out there for Linux on
quite the same level as N1MM or Writelog, but I've managed to do fine using
only Linux and Mac OS X in the hamshack for over a year now.
Doug, K4DSP

On 6/12/06, Bill Turner <dezrat at copper.net> wrote:
> Does anyone know of any Linux contesting software for RTTY? That's
> the only thing holding me back from trying Linux.
> 73, Bill W6WRT
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