[RTTY] How about a 160m RTTY High Speed Sprint?

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Wed Mar 1 01:32:22 EST 2006


At 10:14 PM 2/28/2006, Robert Chudek wrote:
>I propose the rules allow stations to rework each other within each 
>1-hour segment... That means everyone would be "fresh meat" 
>beginning at the top of the hour... I can't think of any issue other 
>than the software screaming DUPE at you... But you could setup a new 
>log for each hour to get around this.

Maybe it's just me, but working the same station over and over is a 
complete waste of time. The time   spent working that guy is time you 
can not spend looking for a new one.

Might as well play a tape recording and work that.

Bill, W6WRT

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