[RTTY] You never know...

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Mon Mar 6 01:23:37 EST 2006

A bit off topic, but not too much I hope.

I was listening on 1805 tonight for RTTY stations when I saw a signal 
on the spectrum scope a few kHz up. Looked like CW so I tuned up to 
1808 and it was WA6CDR calling CQ from his mobile. I just had to give 
him a call to say hi. He was near Needles, CA, about 100 miles east 
of me and just booming in. I loaded my WinKey program and we chatted 
for about 20 minutes or so while he motored down I-10. He was running 
an Elecraft K2 and a Hustler antenna modified for 160 with a capacity hat.

I have never heard a mobile on 160, never mind CW. It was a QSO I 
won't soon forget, probably once in a lifetime.

Just had to share. Back to RTTY.

73, Bill W6WRT

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