[RTTY] TARA RTTY Mêlée - December 2, 2006

MRBILL1953 at aol.com MRBILL1953 at aol.com
Sat Nov 25 16:07:20 EST 2006

It's time that we start gearing up for the next running of the TARA  RTTY 
Mêlée which is coming up on December 2, 2006. We had a FANTASTIC  response to our 
contest last year and I hope it will even be better this year.  For those of 
you "NEW" to RTTY contesting this contest is the perfect warm up  for the ever 
popular ARRL RTTY Roundup in January. For those of you that might  be trying 
out some new antennas or software packages, I'm sure you'll find the  Mêlée a 
perfect opportunity for you to ready your  station for the many contests 
coming up this winter. 
Below, you'll find the info for the Mêlée. If you need any additional  
information I'd be more than glad to assist you. Simply drop me an e-mail at:  
(_mailto:melee-manager at n2ty.org_ (mailto:melee-manager at n2ty.org) )    

TARA RTTY Mêlée--sponsored by the Troy Amateur Radio Assn, from 0000Z-2400Z  
Dec 2. Categories: SOAB-HP (>150 W), SOAB-LP (<150 W), MOAB, SWL, Max 6  band 
change rule per clock hour for MO. Frequencies: 160-10 meters (Special  Note: 
160 Meters is now allowed!), operate 16 hours max. Exchange: RS +  
State/Province or serial number for DX. QSO points: 1 pt/QSO. Score: QSO  points--S/P/C 
counted once only (US and VE only count as S/P). For more  information: 
(http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_melee_rules.html) .  Submit Scores (not logs!) by Dec 31, 2006 via TARA's on-line 
score submission  form at _www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_melee_score.html_ 
(http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_melee_score.html) .
I ask for all you to please check out our web site for information on the  
TARA Tour'ney. In the  TARA Tour'ney, the contestants are competing for the  
honor of  emerging as the annual King or Queen of the digital  modes.  The scores 
to achieve this are an aggregate of all their individual Tour'ney  credits 
derived from their scores from the four (4) TARA All Season   Contests. By the 
way, the Mêlée is part  of the Tour'ney program so check  it out at: 
(http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_tourney.html) )   

In addition TARA now sponsors our very own HF "Digital"   Awards  Program. 
The TARA-PX and the TARA-Grid. The TARA-PX  is the  only Digital Prefix Award 
available since the WPX is SSB  and CW  only.

The TARA-PX Award is a full service   award offering Mixed, RTTY and  PSK 
certification for FREE! until  January 2007.  If you feel that you qualify for a  
non-listed digital  mode, please request that we review your information. The 
full info can be  found at:
(http://www.n2ty.org/seasons/tara_awards.html) )  

Again, I look forward to printing you real   soon!

73 de NY2U Bill Eddy
President of TARA
(_mailto:ny2u at n2ty.org_ (mailto:ny2u at n2ty.org) )   

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