Don Hill AA5AU
aa5au at bellsouth.net
Thu Nov 30 21:19:47 EST 2006
This week our information came from AA5AU, GU0SUP, I5FLN, DJ3IW, UT5RP, OH2AQ DX Summit and NG3K.
Thank you all!
Friday 24
1712-10132 MD/DJ9RR
1737-14080 V5/DJ4SO
1751- 3585 IH9YMC
1755- 3586 MD/DJ9RR
1828- 3583 EA6BH
1834- 3586 OM5TX
1855- 1841 5A7A
Saturday 25
1056-18106 5A7A
1058-14088 XW1X
1209-10143 KH0/7N4JZK
1221-18102 YB0JIV
1234-18101 LX8DL
1237-18102 YB0JIV
1244-18104 XW1X
1255-18103 TF3PPN
1317-10142 EA8/DL3OH
1348-18105 TI8II
1613-10145 5A7A
2153-10141 KH0/7N4JZK
Sunday 26
0047-21079 KH0/JR4GPA
0416-14082 AH8LG
0709-14085 TR8CA
0938-10140 EA8/DL3OH
1035-18103 CN8IG
1352-18103 LX8DL
1415-24920 LX8DL
1528-18104 5A7A
1547-18106 3XM6JR
1627-10136 5A7A
Monday 27
0028-14082 XU7ADE
0047-14083 XU7ABN
0134-10142 TG9AKH
0236- 3585 TG9AKH
0425-14084 XU7ABN
0518-14081 9Q1D
0807-10140 EA8/DL3OH
1035-24921 4L1FP
1051-18103 VQ9LA
1238-21085 5A7A
1243-21084 PY0FF
1254-21079 FS/AH8DX
1340-21087 TI8II
1351-14083 SV0XAI/9
1402-18102 YB0IR
1406-18100 CN8IG
1521-18109 5A7A
1535-14082 VP5/K7BTW
1619-10140 EA8/DL3OH
1648-14081 E51YAQ
1746-14081 3B8/OM0C
1805- 7032 MD/DJ9RR
1841- 1850 5A7A
1841- 7037 CN8IG
18410-7037 4K5D
1844- 7034 5A7A
1846- 7037 4K5D
1913-10141 4Z5PN
1916-21085 VP5/K7BTW
1924-14081 V5/DJ4SO
2007-21085 TG9AKH
2113-14081 FS5HL
2241-10141 DT8A
2254-18101 E51YAQ via W7YAQ
Tuesday 28
0002-10140 DT8A
0140-14080 DT8A
0204- 7035 5A7A
0838-18103 5A7A
0909-14081 P29SS
0937-14081 EK6TA
1222- 7038 UN7PBY
1224-21083 TU5JM
1242-14080 YB0JIV
1309-14085 EA9AK
1315-14086 VP5/K7BTW
1320-14082 5A7A
1353-21085 TI8II
1414-21080 5A7A
1506-21078 V5/DJ4SO
1514-14084 TF3GC
1517-14088 VP5/K7BTW
1604-21087 TU5JM
1614-18101 TG9AKH
1641-14083 TR8CA
1805-10144 9K2YM
1838- 1848 5A7A
1945- 3588 5A7A
2033- 7041 HZ1IK
2051- 3590 SV9BMG
2103-14081 3XM6JR
2102-14089 VP5/K7BTW
2220-10141 DT8A
Wednesday 29
0518-14081 9Q1D
0810-10141 EA8/DL3OH
0859-14083 EK6TA
1101- 7037 UN7PBY
1257-14088 VP5/K7BTW
1316-14082 KP4GC
1339-14081 CT3KT
1414-14086 XE3RBA
1532-24905 DT8A
1549-14086 CN8KD
1705-10143 EA8/DL3OH
2010- 7037 4Z5PN
2018- 7035 TA3J/4
2052-14093 VP5/K7BTW
2144-14086 HK4QMH
2205-10142 3XM6JR
Thursday 30
0113- 7091 VP5/K7BTW
0825-14085 IS0YTA
0835-14083 4Z5AO
1128-21081 EK6TA
1136-21085 VQ9LA
1154-14090 VP5/K7BTW
1212-18105 VP5/K7BTW
1305-14083 CN8IG
1316-14087 TI8II
1417- 7038 UN7PBY
1419-18102 3XM6JR
1515-14082 HK0GU
1552-21085 HK4QMH
1812- 7038 4K5D
1924-10140 4Z5PN
2015-10142 3XM6JR
2023-14080 TF60IRA
2034-14087 TU5KC
2102- 7039 CN8SG
2112-14087 CO2IZ
2118- 7039 CN8SG
2120- 7038 CN8KD
2130-14085 XE3RBA
2207-14082 CE1VCZ
2304-14082 HK0GU
2311-14091 VP8DIZ
Notes of Interest
REPUBLIC OF CONGO, TN. Baldur, DJ6SI will be QRV as TN6X on CW and Franz, DJ9ZG will be QRV as TN0Z until early December.
QSL to home calls.
The VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES are distributed every week via the Winlink network, and are also available on the Internet at URL
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For next week's bulletin send your bandpass and notes of interest to Phil, GU0SUP, at e-mail: pcooper at guernsey.net
GL with RTTY DX'ing!!!
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