[RTTY] IARU and 14100 Beacon QRM from Digital Signals

John Becker w0jab at big-river.net
Sun Oct 1 21:33:42 EDT 2006

Key 2 words being  - "using software" -  I don't nor do I have a waterfall.
I can park my mark between your mark and space and have a QSO 
with out missing a letter using my 35years old 28 ASR teletype machine and
A ST-6 TU. But being software free on RTTY I may be wrong as to the 
understanding of what you can do.

John, W0JAB

At 07:14 AM 10/1/2006, K3UK wrote:
>With many RTTY folks using software that provides a graphical image of
>received signals (.e.g a "waterfall"), spotting other stations within
>the RTTY bandwidth is fairly easy.  When you finish transmitting and
>see signals within a couple hundred Hz of where you are parked, unless
>they are coming back to you..they might be folks already using the
>freq (or have just "stolen" your freq).
>Andy K3UK

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