[RTTY] WF1B and "too many prefixes"

Michael Keane K1MK k1mk at alum.mit.edu
Thu Oct 5 12:38:01 EDT 2006

At 11:20 AM 10/5/06, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>--- Dave W7DPW <w7dpw at comcast.net> wrote:
> > I have V5.02 and it still has a limit on it that is too low....
>I am not a WF1B user.  Where do the country files come from?
>A few country file releases ago, I removed about 400 stale prefixes.  NA still
>has a problem with too many prefixes, so COUNTRY.DAT has even more stuff
>filtered out.
>If WF1B uses the country files from http://www.country-files.com/ then it's
>possible I can help.  I need to know where to find and how to install WF1B,
>what country file to use, if there's any processing that needs to be done, and
>what to do that results in the "too many prefixes" message.
>73 - Jim AD1C


Look here for WF1B <http://www.sk3bg.se/Contest/download.htm#WF1B>

Be aware this may not be strictly a country file issue.

The COUNTRY conversion utility in WF1B v5 does have a complied-in 
limit of 1700 "prefixes."

That utility also has complied-in limit of 340 "countries."  As there 
are now 337 DXCC entities plus 6 WAE countries for a total of 343, 
that's going to problems for WF1B users in CQWW/WAE as well.

Ray GPL'd the last versions of WF1B so the Pascal source code for 
WF1B's COUNTRY utility (as well as the rest of WF1B package) is 
available. Should be a simple enough change for anyone who still has 
with a DOS Pascal complier laying around.

Mike K1MK

Michael Keane K1MK
k1mk at alum.mit.edu

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