[RTTY] 2006 RTTY Round Up

Frank Fallon n2ff at optonline.net
Sat Oct 14 21:15:37 EDT 2006


I am happy to keep on covering the holes on your shack wall.

BTW:  I also received a package from ARRL today -  Single Operator Low 
Power Hudson Division.  A BIG thanks to the kind folks at West Mountain 
Radio.  That was a real surprise and a nice break from the Makrothen.  I 
love the rules in this contest but conditions are not good and there are 
not enough stations on this year.  At this point I have only a few QSO 
over 100 and I will not be able to get many more Sunday morning.

Take a look at the Makrothen website at 
and click on results. They have some very interesting charts.  One of 
them confirmed for me that my 40 meter sloper does a very competitive 
job as I beat out a number of high power stations in that one.  I sure 
would love to have a two or three element 40M beam at 150 feet.  Hey, I 
would even settle for a 40 meter beam at 75 feet.

Anyway, it seems like today was plaque day for us all.

73 de Frank...N2FF....

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