[RTTY] Fw: ZL8R demo on You Tube

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Thu Oct 19 12:56:15 EDT 2006

AD1C wrote: 

> You're running good rate on both CW and SSB, now stick a 
> carrier either 60 KC away from the CW activity or 100 KC away 
> from the phone activity and problems ensue.  Plus you need the 
> extra radio, extra antenna, etc.

I suspect it is more a matter of planning and will ...  Except 
for the largest expeditions, you don't often see an operation 
on both phone and CW on the same band.  You will however often 
see Phone on 20 and CW on 15 ... there is no reason not to put 
RTTY on 17.  There is also no reason that SSB needs to camp on 
14.195 ... SSB could move up a bit (the Generals would be happy 
to get a shot) and RTTY could move down a bit or the operation 
could use PSK31.  

What's the line?  Where there is a will, there is a way. 

> It would be nice to see the Chiltern DX Club start RTTY on 
> day 1 or Day 2 of their upcoming St. Brandon DXpedition.

Yes ... hopefully they will have good conditions <G>. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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