[RTTY] FW: [ntcc] FW: [STXDXCC] Fwd: [CTDXCC] 3C0M to Annobon Is

Chris Terkla cterkla at mindspring.com
Mon Oct 16 21:50:41 EDT 2006

Here ya go gang!
and RTTY is on the menu
I had not seen this announcement here yet
73 Chris N1XS
>OK guys and gals, Elmo EA5BYP will be starting his DXpedition to 
>Annobon Is, callsign 3C0M, this Fri/Sat for 15 days. He plans to be on 
>10-80M SSB, 160M CW, and 15/20M RTTY, all with a Yagi, dipoles, and 
>high power.
>I talked to him about 40/80M, and we agreed that 2300-2400Z would 
>probably be a peak time (the hour preceding W5 sunset), and again 0500Z 
>his sunrise. But it's close enough to get him any time during that 
>common darkness. On 40M he's aware that 7047/52/57/62 are likely to be 
>some of the better frequencies.
>A log search will be available, post-operation, at:
>QSL to his home address: Anselmo Bernabe Coll, EA5BYP, P.O. Box 3097, 
>03080 Alicante, Spain. It's a one-man trip, and obviously quite 
>expensive. If you appreciate Elmo putting Annobon on the air for you, a 
>modest donation with your QSL card will help a lot.
>John, NT5C.

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