Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Oct 23 13:05:06 EDT 2006

Hello all,

Well, better conditions that for the Makrothen, which helped!
However, I woke up on Saturday morning with a migraine style headache, and
could not shift it.
This rather affected my desire to sit in the chair, and I probably didn't
make as much of things as I ought to have done.
It cleared overnight, and I was feeling good when I woke up at at 0500UTC,
but then found the bands to be quite quiet! Worked a few on 80/40 and went
back to bed.

Sadly, conditions weren't as good as the previous day, although there were
plenty of stations that were in thelog already, so it was very much a case
of working anything new.

Two highlights for me.... firstly working E21YDP on 40m for a new one, and
then finding KP4KE on 40m last night with a huge signal, and so easy to
work! Thanks to both!

Oldest age was 84, courtesy of W0HW, and the youngest was OK1KQJ at 10! Also
logged UN7PBY at 15.
And I wonder who will be the first to claim the oldest they worked was

Despite that, it was fun, as always, apart from the few that cannot seem to
understand the ways of RTTY!
If I respond to a station, expecting him to send me a report, I do NOT want
someone else to call me!
There was one IK station in particular that kept calling me at exactly the
wrong time, and it got rather annoying.
Sadly, he wasn't the only one. I also almost got caught out by folk sending
my report back to me, which is another no-no. And why do so many folk use a
3 X 3 call?? QSB was around for most of the weekend, and there were several
calls sending in this way, where I got my own call fine, but lost theirs
each time!
And if you get asked for NR? or AGE? then please just send that.
All too often I got GU0SUP TU UR 59GHJKJHGFSDTUYO and all I wanted was your

OK, moan over!

Here is my claimed score....

 	 QSOs	Points	DX:	Call Areas
80m: 	42	84	24	0
40m:	82	171	35	2
20m:	273	629	48	19
15m:	87	198	29	8
10m:	19	39	16	0
Total:	503	1121
Total multipliers:	181
Score:			202901

As usual, my log is already on LoTW, but if anyone wants a QSL card, that is
fine by me!
73 de Phil GU0SUP

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