[RTTY] JARTS submission

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Mon Oct 23 13:24:22 EDT 2006

Maybe it just cannot follow the path to find it. Try moving it to the 
root (C:) and try it again.

Jerry W4UK

At 15:54 10/23/2006, Dick White wrote:
>Tell me what I am doing wrong. I open the JARTS submission page and fill in
>the form. When I get the log it comes up as
> >  C:\program files\n1mm logger\ks0m.cbr  <   I submit and get the message "
>sorry cannot get your log. Try again."
>I deleted all but  > ks0m.cbr < and hit submit, and nothing happens. No
>response from at all. What do I need to do to submit my log ?
>The web page says it will not take e-mail logs so what must I do to get my
>log in their submission form ??
>73  Dick  KS0M

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