[RTTY] JARTS submission prob - One more resolved
Robert Chudek - KØRC
k0rc at citlink.net
Mon Oct 23 20:54:41 EDT 2006
Well with a rested set of eyes looking at my log, I found the problem, fixed it, resubmitted the log, and got my acknowledgement that my log is "in the log".
This was a 1 in a million chance of happening... I should be so lucky in the lottery...
The error I got back from the robot was "You have an error in line 454". Well line 454 in my log was S51MA/QRP. Ah-ha! A slash character, it must not like that /QRP crap. So I removed that one QSO line out completely and resubmitted. The robot came back with the same message "You have an error in line 454". WTF???...
I use SH5 to view my logs and it numbers the log entries. It was counting the lines correct. The "new" line 454 was OO5D, the line that replaced the one with the /QRP contact. And there wasn't anything wrong with that new line 454 entry!
Well this evening with the fresh look, it dawned on me, "Hey! maybe the stupid robot is numbering the Cabrillo header lines too, stupid". (You decide.) I counted 13 Cabrillo header lines, then went to my OO5D entry and counted 13 lines back. Sure enough, there was alpha characters in the sent RST report. (The proper recipient of the term "stupid" has now been determined.)
So, I went back to the original /QRP'ed Cabrillo log, fixed the RST info, resubmitted, and the robot isn't "stupid" anymore! It didn't even complain about /QRP.
For those who wonder why I logged the QSO as /QRP... I was taught to log what you receive, and that is what the station was sending. But I did immediately log a forced DUPE without the /QRP suffix. So either way the log checking program wants to see that call, it will be in my log - one duped, the other not.
My log serial number back from the robot was 257, if anyone is keeping score.
73 de Bob - KØRC in MN
Message: 2
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:10:31 -0500
From: Robert Chudek - K0RC <k0rc at citlink.net>
Subject: Re: [RTTY] JARTS submission prob
To: <rtty at contesting.com>
Message-ID: <06cf01c6f669$f2320080$6500a8c0 at GX400A>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
My log is stuck in limbo...
It puqued on line 454 which had S51MA/QRP logged so I took that line out of the log completely. I resubmitted and then it puqued on line 454 again, the next line in the log. So I gave up and sent an email to the manager to see what can be done.
73 de Bob - K0RC in MN
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