[RTTY] Fw: K7C card/LOTA

Byron Lichtenwalner w3wkr at verizon.net
Fri Oct 27 19:31:10 EDT 2006

Thank you so much for your explanation..

Knowing that discussions had/were going on with the DXCC community and 
little/no official information, those of us that appreciated having both 
your "real time" reporting and are avid LOTW users could only reach our own 
conclusions from what we (I) observed.

While we have several different philophosies of how to run DXpeditions (2005 
DXCC yearbook) it is helpful to have current information on where we stand 
with the ones we worked.  (Yes, it was reassuring to continue to find my 
green box on the Web site!)

I want you to know my note was intended not as much a criticism as  getting 
a status report on what really happened, and as a result anticipate what 
might happen "next time".

Appreciate the time you took to do that, and for the effort (and funds) that 
went into the expedition.

73 de Byron, W3WKR
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Robert Schmieder" <schmieder at cordell.org>
To: "'Byron Lichtenwalner'" <w3wkr at verizon.net>; <RTTY at contesting.com>
Cc: "Alan Maenchen" <ad6e at inreach.com>; "Garry Shapiro" <garry at ni6t.com>; 
"Tom Harrell" <n4xp at juno.com>
Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 6:46 PM
Subject: FW: Fw: [RTTY] K7C card/LOTA

> Tom -
> This message reached me, and as Expedition Leader for K7C, I want to 
> provide
> a few remarks.
> I am sorry that the timing for your QSO confirmation was awkward, and
> sincerely hope that the results, while delayed, are correct. We are 
> pleased
> that K7C was important enough that you were concerned.
> I want to tell you a bit more about what happened with the DXCC and K7C. 
> As
> you know, I developed the real-time website DXA as an aid to DXers who 
> want
> to know ASAP that their QSOs are safely in the DXpedition log. The K7C/DXA
> operation, except for the initial day when the system was slowed  by
> overloading due to extraordinarily high demand on the servers, provided
> automatic confirmation within a minute, or a few minutes, of the QSO.
> The ARRL/DXCC office was very concerned with the security of DXA, 
> believing
> (incorrectly) that it exposes the complete log (all 5 QSO elements). A few
> weeks before the K7C DXpedition, they imposed on us the requirement that 
> we
> "make no changes in the log" if we used DXA, together with the threat of
> non-certification for DXCC if we violated that. What "no changes" meant 
> was
> never defined, and we were left to interpret it, understandably in
> considerable fear of making an error. Additionally, as a condition for
> receiving the Colvin Grant, we were required to upload the logs to LotW no
> later than 1 year after the operation.
> We followed these requirements to the best of our ability to understand
> them, and I believe completely. QSLing was delayed about 3 months while I
> made inquiries as to what "no changes" meant. When there was no response, 
> in
> the face of mounting pressure, we were forced to go ahead. Tom N4XP did a
> superb job of the QSLing, always under my dictum that he "make no changes 
> to
> the log."
> We made a deliberate decision to postpone uploading the K7C logs to LotW 
> for
> two reasons: (1) DXpeditions depend on income through the direct QSL
> requests, a function that is compromised by LotW uploads; (2) We needed to
> have some guidance as to whether we should make basic error corrections
> before uploading the logs. We continued to ask for this guidance through 
> the
> year after the K7C operation, but it was never forthcoming. Finally, to 
> meet
> the deadline, the logs were uploaded, apparently about the same time you
> made your direct request.
> I hope you can see that the situation with the K7C log was very unusual.
> What I believe is that the ARRL/DXCC program is dealing with a lot of new
> situations generated by new technology, especially real-time online
> information, and that the policies are under review and possible revision.
> We all have to be patient, but hardworking, as we drag DXing into the 21st
> Century!
> Good DXing to you, and 73,
> Bob KK6EK
> Dr. Robert Schmieder
> 4295 Walnut Blvd.
> Walnut Creek, CA 94596
> (925) 934-3735
> schmieder at cordell.org
> www.cordell.org
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Byron Lichtenwalner" <w3wkr at verizon.net>
> To: "RTTY List" <rtty at contesting.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 27, 2006 1:18 PM
> Subject: [RTTY] K7C card/LOTA
>> Friends
>> I waited a long time for the K7C crew to post their Q's on LOTW.  After
>> several inquiries as to when that would happen, and being assured it
> would
>> be in July or august, nothing happened.
>> Wanting to do a mailing to the DXCC desk, in frustration, I mailed them
> a
>> card.
>> I received a prompt reply with a very attractive card.  A few days
> later
>> the K7C confirmation was posted on LOTW!
>> I know the real time reporting of QSO's created some concern with the
>> rule keepers.  Does it mean that LOTW data won't be uploaded until
> paper
>> confirmation is received by DX peditions that use real time reporting?
>> Or was this just one of those crazy coincidence?
>> Byron, W3WKR
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