[RTTY] comment to------RTTY Hall of Shame

Stein Roar Brobakken LA6FJA/K3RAG s-roabr at online.no
Mon Sep 25 17:15:51 EDT 2006

Hi guys

Well I have also had this fight every CQ WW RTTY, a station coming up
telling me about this crappy packet... Its about 10 yrs since anyone
used packet here in Norway, and this guy who putted you on the hall of
shame emailed me a lot the previous years hehe

I asked him to make a schedule with propagation charts when I could use
14100 to disturb his Rxing of packet.

When the world is full of RTTY station, and even some countries have
different segments, then you must tolerate that.

Like in 80m band, well I am hunting JA's on 3520-3530 every year, but I
know its a part of the LA CW segment and many highspeeders on CW used to
stay there.

So its about give and take, its just a hobby. If people cannot live
without the packet for 48 hours...then I donno...

Long live the CQ WW RTTY :)

I could not take a part this weekend due work

73 de LA6FJA/K3RAG

-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: rtty-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com] På
vegne av wm3t at charter.net
Sendt: 25. september 2006 14:53
Til: rtty at contesting.com
Emne: Re: [RTTY] Fwd: [digitalradio] RTTY Hall of Shame

---- Andrew O'Brien <andrewobrie at gmail.com> wrote: 
> >From a message forwarded to me.
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From:
> RTTY Hall of Shame
> Here is a list of some of the RTTY operators transmitting
> on the international IARU beacon frequency 14100.0kHz today.
> 73---Saturday 23 SEP 2006
> WM3T/4 (repeat offender)
> W4VD (repeat offender)
> N6CK
> N6IU
> The list continues...

OK, I admit it.  I ran a couple hours on 14100 Saturday.  I had a
station that kept trying to tell me something, but they were WAY too
weak to copy, so I ignored them.  

73 de
Anthony, WM3T/4
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