[RTTY] Fwd: [digitalradio] RTTY Hall of Shame

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Tue Sep 26 05:32:56 EDT 2006

Charles Morrison wrote: "Perhaps the "ignorant ranting" wouldn't occur if
the those who start the ranting would learn a little tolerance?"

Tolerance = "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from
or conflicting with one's own"

Contesters, and/or anyone else,  use any specific frequency, in hopes that
it will be productive, especially when CQing? If a tree falls in the forest,
and no one is there to hear it, does it make any noise? If someone is CQing
on 14.100, and no one answers them, how long will they stay? As far as "the
rare DX", never have I heard any DXPedetion operate on 14.100? Not operating
on 14.100, IMHO, is being tolerant to the NCDXF beacon system, and it shows
that RTTY contesters are more tolerant, than others?
This subject was discussed, at length, after RTTY RoundUp, and, as NAQP RTTY
contest manager, I even made it a point that 14.100 was "off limits" in NAQP
RTTY! Incorporating all of the "gentlemanly do's/don't" into contest rules
would be near impossible, besides "common sense can't be legislated"!

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW

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