Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Sun Apr 8 14:26:32 EDT 2007

Score: 167,346

Band    QSO     Pts     Mul
80      49      213     31
40      116     579     59
20      141     241     72
15      0       0       0
10      0       0       0
Total   306     1033    162

Thanks to the URE for sponsoring the Contest.

Sorry could not spend more time in the Contest (6 hours), but it was 
a tough weekend to get any time for contesting.

Tough upper band conditions as well.  Never heard anything on 15 
meters on Saturday afternoon (1700Z - 2000Z).  Twenty was 
okay.  Forty was a mess with all kind of different mode signals (PSK, 
RTTY, CW, SSB, etc) trying to use the same freq. range.  Eighty was 
nice, but noisy on this end.  Signals from Europe on 80, for the most 
part, were good copy.  Limited time to operate on 80, so not sure how 
long the band supported the Contest.

Interesting to get the criticism from several non-contesters (CW and 
RTTY) about getting on the national QRP calling freq of 7030 
KHz.   Wasn't aware of the ARRL's decision to move the QRP calling 
freq. until informed during the Contest.  Only one operator was kind 
enough to let me know the reason for asking me to QSY and gave his 
call.  Had a nice QSO with him and he told me the ARRL has just (last 
month) decided to change the QRP calling freq. from 7040 KHz to 7030 
KHz.  Appreciate your courtesy Mike, WB9DLC =D>   Did QSY after the QSO.

I've looked in my log and see my mark freq. was at 7031.2 
KHz.  Interesting to note that several European stations called CQ on 
this freq. as well; they must not have seen the ARRL's decision to 
move the national QRP calling freq to 7030.

As messed up as the 40 meter region operation plans are, the QRPers 
will get less cooperation on weekends on 7030 KHz especially when 
there is either a major CW or RTTY  or even a SSB DX contest.

         Mike, K4GMH 

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