[RTTY] Blacklisting over zealous callers

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Wed Apr 11 17:37:54 EDT 2007

On Apr 11, 2007, at 2:11 PM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
> Does that mean they have to be 1/2 as long?

No, because the message itself is not the period.  The message plus  
the dead time (when he is listening) is the period.  :-P  (Similar to  
the case where the fundamental frequency of a bit pulse train is 1/2  
of the bit rate, not the bit rate itself.)

You don't need to know who the DX is is calling, you just need to  
know that the DX is calling someone so you can clam shut when you  
hear something on the receiver as you release the key.

Very often, I see the long callers (we have a few in my neck of the  
woods) stomp on the DX when the DX is calling the long caller.   
Poetic justice.

> If so, what should WA9HMN do when the DX comes back to AD1C:
>   AD1C 599 599 AD1C
>   WA9HMN Wa

Call with his "last two?" :-)   Apply for a shorter vanity call? :-)

Actually, unless he is signing portable, I don't see a problem for  
WA9HMN (especially if AD1C is using USOS, so he has to transmit some  
extra FIGS characters before the 599s):

AD1C 599 599 AD1C

Chen, W7AY

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