[RTTY] New RTTY station...New setup.

Harold E Vine III harold.vine at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 07:55:43 EDT 2007

I have done some rtty contesting in the past.
I am what i would call a rookie. :-)

I just bought and set up a brand new ts-2000
complete with the fsk interface, using my rigblaster plus,
the correct fsk cable for it and i can send fsk using mmtty using the 
extfsk plugin.

i really feel i have everything set right for working this weekends contest.

if the bands cooperate.

what i really would like if some here have the time, maybe tonight or 
tomorrow night
is to set up a sked so i can test/tweak my station.

i have only worked one station, last night, on 30m.

everyone else i try to contact gives me qrz? repeatedly.

which leaves me wondering if my stock setup is working ok, or the bands 
are really that bad, or if i have some setting wrong.

i dont think so, but you never know.
i did set the fsk mode in the ts-2000 for inverse, as i have read that 
they somehow got that normal / reverse thing backwards.

anyways, i'd appreciate it if we can work something out so i know whats 
a happening.

thanks much, and look forward to working y'all during the contests!

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