[RTTY] 2007 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 30Apr2007
Dinkelman, Michael
michael.w.dinkelman at medtronic.com
Mon Apr 30 09:59:10 EDT 2007
2007 SPDX RTTY - All 3830 Claimed Scores 30Apr2007
NOTE: This list is NOT a list of submitted logs received by the contest sponsor. It is based solely on the claimed scores posted to the 3830 reflector via the web forms available at the 3830 Score Web Page shown below.
Submit logs by: May 29, 2007
E-mail logs to: sprtty at pzk.org.pl
Mail logs to:
SPDX RTTY Contest Manager
Christopher Ulatowski
Box 253
81 - 963 Gdynia 1
3830 Score Web Page - http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
Submission info ( tnx WA7BNM) - http://www.hornucopia.com/contestcal/
Contest Station Database - http://www.pvrc.org/
73 dink
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cont hr Score Club
YO9HP 915 5380 241 6 18 7,779,480
Z31MM 752 4446 189 6 5,041,764 Z30M Contest team
VA1CHP 503 4133 137 6 3,438,426 MCC
I1COB 541 3117 167 6 20 3,123,234
K4GMH 425 3623 129 6 10 2,804,202 PVRC
SV1CER 337 1900 120 6 1,368,000
LZ8A(LZ2BE) 267 1585 117 6 4 1,112,670
W1BYH 293 1335 86 6 10 688,860 YCCC
NA2M 110 830 65 5 4.5 269,750 OBONY
W4UK 183 823 36 3 10.6 88,884
W7WHY 30 94 10 3 1 1,974
Call Qs Pts Mlt Cont hr Score Club
F6IRF 400 2303 162 6 10 2,238,516 DBCG
HI3TEJ 386 3180 97 7 2,159,220
4X6UU 270 2610 105 6 1,644,300
RA9CB 262 2385 103 5 12 1,228,275 Ural Contest Group
GU0SUP 225 1270 82 6 8 624,840 BARTG
VE2CWT(VE2FU) 166 1376 55 5 12 378,400
SV5DKL 225 1200 70 4 05:39 336,000
N4BAA 55 501 26 3 1 39,078 PVRC
VA7ST 28 152 6 4 3,648
PR7AR 10 100 9 3 01:00 2,700 GUARÁ DX GROUP
KS0M 18 81 9 2 3 1,458
KE4KWE 24 89 5 2 3 890 ACG
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