[RTTY] [CQ-Contest] SO2R Category

Junior charlesw_anders at bellsouth.net
Thu Dec 20 17:19:06 EST 2007

You made the comment..suck it up and move on. If you want to discuss
anything else about it email me off the reflectors.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Subich, W4TV [mailto:w4tv at subich.com] 
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2007 7:18 AM
To: 'Junior'; cq-contest at contesting.com; rtty at contesting.com
Subject: RE: [RTTY] [CQ-Contest] SO2R Category

kk5oq writes ... 

> Bigoted, racist comments Subich made about living in "1060" 
> Mississippi however had nothing to do with so2r. He does not 
> know what he is talking about.
> I would not purchase a product from such an individual.

Your comment has no place in this discussion. 

The anti-SO2R jihad by W6WRT to put SO2R operators in a separate 
place (a virtual ghetto) are what is bigoted.  They represent 
nothing less than the radiosport equivalent of segregationist 
attitudes of the 1960's South.  It is a simple minded "I don't 
want 'their kind' (anyone different) in my neighborhood" mentality.  
"Separate but equal" was not appropriate for public schools in the 
1950s, for public accommodations in the 1960s or housing in the 
1970's and it is not an appropriate way to deal with operators who 
choose to make use of their "back-up" rig during a contest. 

If you can't see the parallels between the dark days of dealing 
with those who were perceived to be "different" and the attitudes 
of the anti-SO2R jihadists of today, it is time for you to spend 
some time in diversity training. 


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