[RTTY] Receiving RTTY on Sub VFO on FT1000MP?

KT0DX kt0dx at earthlink.net
Sat Dec 29 21:15:50 EST 2007

I would like to know if there is a way to configure the FT 1000MP (Not a 

Mark V) to be able to receive RTTY on the Sub VFO.  I would like to use 
the Sub VFO to locate the station the DX is working when the DX station 
is operating split.  I have spent some time on the internet looking for 
information but have not come across anything.

My set up here is a FT 1000MP and using a RIGblaster plus for the 
interface to the computer.  I usually use MMTTY for the program but I 
also have a HAL DXP38.

Will I need a 2nd sound card to do this?

Please if you have any information on this I sure would appreciate it if 
you could e mail me the information direct at KT0DX at earthlink.net.

Steve (KT0DX)

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