Mike k4gmh at arrl.net
Sun Feb 11 20:43:49 EST 2007

Call: K4GMH
Operator(s): K4GMH
Station: K4GMH

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 30
Radios: SO2R

  Band  QSOs  Pts
    80:  373  1164
    40:  621  2738
    20:  854  2120
    15:  245   620
    10:    0     0
Total: 2093  6642  Prefixes = 671  Total Score = 4,456,782

Club: Potomac Valley Radio Club


Thanks to all who participated and those that were
kind enough to work me.
I would like to offer an apology to EA5DKU and DC8SG for interfering
with them.  It was unintentional. I thought I was
on the freq. I had been on for over an hour.  However, afterwards, I noticed
freq. had shifted up apprx. 1.5 KHz.  How it happened
I'm not sure as the dial lock was on (IC746).  Sorry.
Tremendous participation.  Stations were "wall to wall" for
100 KHz on 20 meters - 14050 to 14150 KHz.  Now
compress all those stations in to 50 KHz and you have
40 meters.
Low bands were quite compared to last year.  (There were local
thunderstorms last year!)  Fifteen was open for a period on both days with
Sunday being the better of the two.
Contest started 13 hours late for me as came down with a
stomach virus on Friday.  Took that long build up
the energy and become stable enough to operate.
Definitely messed up my operating plan.
The equipment work well other than the second
amp's 12 VDC power supply quit 24 hours into the
Contest.  So have something to do on a cold,
snowy day - like its suppose to be this Tuesday.

         Mike, K4GMH 

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