[RTTY] 160

Shelby Summerville k4ww at arrl.net
Fri Feb 16 06:05:27 EST 2007

"Bill Turner wrote: "I would love to see such a contest, but I think a club 
or similar
organization should sponsor it. I wonder if TARA would be interested?"

At one time, recently, TARA inquired, not sure if publicly or privately, 
about 160 RTTY. My position remains the same: "few, myself included, have 
efficient 160 meter receive antenna(s), and the "suggested" band plan 
(1.800-1.810 for US RTTY), doesn't seem large enough to accommodate, even a 
"domestic" RTTY contest"
I have no desire to debate the "suggested band plan(s)"!
Possibly, the NCCC Thursday practice could include 160 RTTY, allowing those 
interested to get an idea of what could/would be accomplished during a 160 
RTTY contest?

C'Ya, Shelby - K4WW 

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