[RTTY] 160

MRBILL1953 at aol.com MRBILL1953 at aol.com
Wed Feb 21 13:14:14 EST 2007

In a message dated 2/21/2007 11:11:11 A.M. Eastern Standard Time,  
dezrat at copper.net writes:

Right  now, it's catch-22. Since there are no 160 meter RTTY contests,
not many  stations are equipped for it. Since not many stations are
equipped for it,  there are no 160 meter contests.

Lets get a contest going and promote  it as a fun way to get on 160 and
see what you can do. I suspect there are  a lot of RTTY contesters who
would never enter a CW or SSB contest on 160  but might put up an
antenna just to see what happens. 

And remember,  to the best of my knowledge the first WAS and DXCC on
160 RTTY has yet to  be earned. Who will be first?

73, Bill  W6WRT

Hello Bill, W6WRT:
I agree with you 100%! I think that line from the movie "Field of Dreams"  
applies here..."Build it and they will come!" As you stated, if all of us  
collectively get this contest going, others will find a way to join the fun! At  
first the numbers might not be staggering but in due time that will change  for 
73 de NY2U - Bill
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