[RTTY] MY Efforts in RTTY RU

Dick White whiter26 at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jan 9 21:54:02 EST 2007

 Band      QSO's    Pts  Sta   Cty
   3.5       2      2    1    0
     7       9      9    2    1
    14      58     58   18    6
    21      31     31    9    7
 Total     100    100   30   14
    Score: 4,400

Just a very minor effort in this one. Being a care giver for my XYL I am not
able to put in a concentrated effort. My 100 contacts were "catch as catch
can." But, I sure had some fun for the time I put into the contest. I called
CQ on 10 meters several times, but no response. For some reason, I did
better S&P as I had very little response to my CQ's. Maybe my 50 watts and
beam were not very enticing. I hope to be in the next RTTY contest and work
all of you. Missed my friend ZL1AMO for the first time in many contests.

73  Dick

Richard C. "Dick" White
Fulton, MO. 65251  U.S.A.
whiter26 at sbcglobal.net

Live simply. Love generously. Care deeply.
Speak kindly. Leave the rest to GOD.

Amateur Radio Station - KS0M

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