[RTTY] W6WRT DL-DX score summary

Bill Turner dezrat at copper.net
Sun Jul 8 19:58:41 EDT 2007

Every contest seems to have at least one pleasant surprise. This one
had two:

Propagation on 80 meters was very good although at this time of year
of course, it was very noisy. I only worked stations in North America
but signals were strong under the noise. Too bad more stations weren't
on. QSOs were easy, given a moderate amount of patience with the

20 meters was open most of the night from here (Southern California)
to JA, DU and YB. Normally that 40 and 80 meter time, but signals were
strong on 20 for hours on end long after sunset. Nice night time
opening to EU too. RTTY must be the national pastime in Ukraine. :-)

Lots of new calls heard. RTTY contesting continues to grow. 

The details:

DLDXRTTY Score Summary Sheet

      Start Date : 2007-07-07

   CallSign Used : W6WRT
     Operator(s) : W6WRT

            Band : ALL
           Power : HIGH
            Mode : RTTY
        Category : A
           Hours : 11.5
Default Exchange : 001
      Gridsquare : DM14TF

            Name : Bill Turner
         Address : 520 Bowman Trail
  City/State/Zip : Landers  CA  92285
         Country : USA

    ARRL Section : ORG
       Club/Team :  
         Software: N1MM Logger V7.3.8

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Cty   Sec
         3.5      10      70    3    7
           7      69     390    3   15
          14     220    1865   28   24
          21       8      55    2    5
       Total     307    2380   36   51

           Score : 207,060

             Rig : IC-756Pro3, Command HF-2500 (1500 watts)

        Antennas : 20/15/10: Cushcraft X7 yagi @ 25 meters
                   80/40: Inverted vees, apex @ 22 meters

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