[RTTY] DL-DX 2007

Charles Morrison cfmorris at bellsouth.net
Mon Jul 9 23:59:28 EDT 2007

> Date: Mon, 9 Jul 2007 01:55:08 -0400
> From: Fabi VE2FBD <ve2fbd at hotmail.com>
> Subject: [RTTY] DL-DX 2007
> To: rtty contesting <rtty at contesting.com>
> Message-ID: <BAY117-W126D2054A07C8C66F101708E060 at phx.gbl>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"
> Very enjoyable contest.  Lot's of new callsigns compensated for
> marginal cndx. In fact I thought it would be a lot worse and for a
> bottom of cycle month of july there was plenty of activity out there.
> So much so that even the Police came to see me around 1500z to tell me
> that I was: SITTING RIGHT ON TOP OF A BEACON , when in fact I was on
> 14087.9   and when I told him: BEACON?? 14100... he kept going: UR
> RIGHT ON TOP OF IT   I said: I'M ON 14087.9 and he: UR ON 14099.5  so I
> had to reply: IS MY RIG GONE BANANAS...OR IS IT YOURS??  no answer...
> CAN U CHECK PSE??  nothing, gone, disappeared, no callsign, no excuses
> and no brain either...
> So I got lucky and didn't get a ticket...the Police radar trap was
> defective!!! Who the heck are these clowns anyways??

Bonnie Crystal and the rest of the numbnuts in the Backpacking/Yahoo Digital
Radio groups.  Self appointed protectors of truth, justice, the American
way, and the 14.100 beacon during RTTY contests.  Just wait, you may appear
on the jeer list next.  There's plenty of them lurking here, waiting to


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