[RTTY] 6 Meter RTTY

Mark, K5AM k5am at zianet.com
Sun Jun 3 11:01:04 EDT 2007

At 13:05 2007-06-03, you wrote:
>Six meters has been opening lately so I thought about trying to make a
>few RTTY contacts. Problem is I can't remember what the RTTY calling
>frequency is. Could someone jog my memory?



Mark, K5AM

Mark Mandelkern
Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA      DM62ni
k5am at zianet.com
First callsign: W9ECV, Milwaukee, 1948.
10 band DXCC confirmed. 137 countries on 6 meters.
Homebrew station: www.zianet.com/k5am/ncj

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