[RTTY] MTTY and a Linear

Joe Subich, W4TV w4tv at subich.com
Fri Jun 8 18:35:16 EDT 2007

W6WRT writes: 
> The program WinWarbler lest you set both a transmit and
> return-to-receive delay independently of each other. It also uses
> MMTTY as its RTTY engine so half the work is done. The way I'm using
> it is with keying from a com port. If he is using VOX type keying, I
> am not sure if it will work, but I think he would find it better and
> more reliable to change over to com port keying anyway.

For WinWarbler/DXLab Suite users ... the lead/delay parameter is on 
the CW tab but it applies to all modes. 


   ... Joe, W4TV 

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