[RTTY] ANARTS exchanges

Fabi VE2FBD ve2fbd at hotmail.com
Mon Jun 11 23:30:59 EDT 2007

I guess everybody's right and everybody's wrong. No big issue in sending RST-ZONE-TIME or RST-TIME-ZONE, certainly not ZONE-TIME-RST...???
Some folks assumed one way and some the other. From a practical point of vue I would tend to think that sending TIME-ZONE is more logical since we almost always have the zone pre-filled by the logging programs and we are missing GMT. So by sending TIME first there is a better chance of getting it right on the first take even if we miss out on the zone afterwards because of fading.
Would have loved to have more time on hand but family affairs had the green light instead this weekend. Loved the couple of hours spent with u guys on friday night between a thunderstorm and another.
CU in the next one
Fabi   va2up  
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