John Cashen vk4uc at bigpond.com
Tue Jun 12 05:53:17 EDT 2007

Its nice to be back after being gone for a few 
I recall after past ANARTS when it was lamented about the lack of VKs 
in their contest. It is still  true that rtty contesting is not yet 
as popular here as in other, more populated regions. Contesting, in 
general, is not  popular, but things are changing.  In recent years a 
virtual contesting club has sprung up with over 100 members, 
www.vkcc.com  and the new Federation Licence and a restructured 
national organization (WIA) has turned around a declining amateur 
population. This year I logged 3 VKs on 40 and 5 on 20 and heard 
several more I didn't work.  This is better than 2004, my last entry, 
when I logged 2 and 4 with twice the score in 6 less operating hours. 
The real problem in working VKs this year was the appalling 
propagation conditions to this part of the world. Thanks to Colin for 
putting on the ANARTS contest every year virtually singlehanded. He's 
True Blue.....

Call: VK4UC

Class: SOST HP
Operating Time (hrs): 25

  Band  QSOs   Pts   Mults
    80:    0      0     0
    40:   93   3261    40
    20:  177   6572    64
    15:   39   1223    19
    10:    0      0     0
Total:  309  11056   123  Continents = 6  Total Score = 8,159,328



Nice to be back into ANARTS and waving the Aussie flag again. Last one
for me was 2004. Conditions were very poor with signals seldom above
S-2 here. 15M did open briefly to Eu on the short path 0500Z both days,
but nothing ever heard from NA on that band. I wonder if I'll live
long enough to see another cycle peak? If so it won't be from this QTH.

John   VK4UC / W6KNC

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