[RTTY] WAS : Is your USA State needed?
Andrew O'Brien
andrewobrie at gmail.com
Mon Jun 18 08:25:45 EDT 2007
Here are a list of stations and what they are looking for WAS-wise, several
need RTTY/digital contacts.
Check the list and email links (for skeds) at
Quite a few folks posting their needs but my original idea was to make it
more of a "live" interactive page where you sked with those QRV at the
moment. It would be nice to see folks from needed states log on and
activate their radios.
ND, SD, NM, MO, MD, GA, ID, MS, KS, NE, MT, IN, , AK, HI, TN, LA, UT, WY,
RI, OK, OH, , NJ, IL, are among those sought this morning. If you are
from one of the aforementioned, warm up your rig and log on.
the /L indicates stations active with ARRL's LOTW.
Since the page is for 160 through 70CM and all modes, any state is valuable
to somebody.
Andy K3UK
06/18 12:06 <*SV1DPI/L <javascript:mailto('sv1dpi','raag.org','')>*> I need
ND for last state for RTTY WAS. Pse email sked
06/18 11:47 <*ZL2AL <javascript:mailto('leejen','paradise.net.nz','')>*> I
have WAS but if anybody needs ZL on SSB or CW no problem. See me on QRZ.com
06/18 11:29 <*W4REX <javascript:mailto('w4rex','tampabay.rr.com','')>*> Need
MD,GA,ID,MS,ND, and SC on 20mts. Pse e-mail sked.
06/18 11:19 <*G4BGW/L <javascript:mailto('ivanewilson','onetel.net','')>*>
Need KS to complete WAS. Pse email for sked.
06/18 10:50 <*M0KCM <javascript:mailto('ian','m0kcm.com','')>*> need ND and
MT on 15. Please email for sked.
06/18 10:29 <*KU0A/L <javascript:mailto('ku0a','mchsi.com','')>*> Need IN,
KY, NE, MT, ND, and VT on RTTY or PSK31, prefer 20 or 40,PSE email sked
06/18 10:16 <*W1JGS/L <javascript:mailto('jgschatz','verizon.net','')>*>
Need AK on 40 M for 50 pse email for sked
06/18 09:58 <*K3UK/L <javascript:mailto('andreobrie','gmail.com','')>*>
K3UK, all modes from New York
06/18 09:39 <*JR1NHD/L <javascript:mailto('jr1nhd','jarl.com','')>*> Need ME
for my RTTY DXCC. Pse e-mail for SKED. TKS for help !
06/18 08:32 <*HA9PP/L <javascript:mailto('pistiq','vipmail.hu','')>*> Need
HI ID KY LA MO ND NE NM NV SD TN UT on 15M - PSE e-mail for SKED
06/18 08:19 <*UX5UO <javascript:mailto('ux5uo','ux5uoqsl.com','')>*> Look
for ND SD WY to complete "PAS" - Printed All States
06/18 06:50 <*EA1DR <javascript:mailto('ea1dr','telefonica.net','')>*> Need
WY (RTTY, SSB, CW), ID (SSB, CW), AK (CW) pse email for sked TU
06/18 06:35 <*IK1SOW <javascript:mailto('ik1sow','tele2.it','')>*> Need WY
to complete WAS pse email for sked
06/18 05:52 <*GM3YOR/L <javascript:mailto('gm3yor','btinternet.com','')>*>
Need MT on 17m and 12m CW to complete WAS on these bands
06/18 05:14 <*ZL3NB/L <javascript:mailto('zl3nb','arrl.net','')>*> Need NV
OK RI WY for WAS LoTW any mode any band-pse email for sked
06/18 04:45 <*VK4ACN <javascript:mailto('wfolan','optusnet.com.au','')>*>
Frank K0BLT are you avail on 20m now, ssb
06/18 04:44 <*VK4ACN <javascript:mailto('wfolan','optusnet.com.au','')>*>
Frank K0BLT are you avail on 20m now, ssb
06/18 04:25 <*K0BLT <javascript:mailto('K0BLT','amsat.org','')>*> CW
preferred but SSB OK too
06/18 04:24 <*K0BLT <javascript:mailto('K0BLT','amsat.org','')>*> QRV any HF
band if u need NE. E-mail for sked
06/18 04:17 <*WA2SEI <javascript:mailto('wa2sei','yahoo.com','')>*> Need WY
on 6 meters cw or ssb last state needed
06/18 03:54 <*N5KA/L <javascript:mailto('n5ka','juno.com','')>*> Need VT on
RTTY/PSK31 any HF band - pse email me
06/18 03:53 <*N5KA/L <javascript:mailto('n5ka','juno.com','')>*> Need MD &
OH on 15m SSB - pse email me for sked
06/18 03:52 <*N5KA/L <javascript:mailto('n5ka','juno.com','')>*> Need ND on
15m CW - pse email me
06/18 03:51 <*N5KA/L <javascript:mailto('n5ka','juno.com','')>*> Need
AK,IL,NJ & RI on 17m SSB - pse email me
06/18 03:50 <*N5KA/L <javascript:mailto('n5ka','juno.com','')>*> Need HI on
160 SSB - pse email me
06/18 03:20 <*K5KV/L <javascript:mailto('k5kv','arrl.net','')>*> ANYONE NEED
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