[RTTY] Upgrading?

ns5b at comcast.net ns5b at comcast.net
Wed Jun 20 13:25:52 EDT 2007

I would like some advice on what equipment is used nowadays for RTTY, and PKT.  I'm new to the list, but have been a ham for 19 years....and this question probably has been answered hundreds of times. 

I'm using a Kenwood TS-430, and also I have a laptop for logging. On the laptop, I use DXLab, and have all of the modules installed. For now, I've only used the DXKeeper logging program, but would like to make use of the other modules as well.  I also have an OLD (was a little old when I got it in 1990)  AEA PK-232/MBX.  I ran it and the software on an XT machine with Windows 3.1 which ran great and had many RTTY contacts in my log. 

Should I try and get this old AEA up and running again with WinXP, or upgrade to a newer interface or sound card setup? 

As far as the survey...

1. Speaker
2. Tuning indicator on unit 

Best 73's
Steve, NS5B

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