[RTTY] Rtty contest when Cw contest is on also

Tim tim.n9puz at gmail.com
Thu Mar 15 09:54:55 EST 2007

Mike K9MI wrote:

> Is his opinion of Rtty contesters common, or does he just not understand 
> that there is indeed a lot more to Rtty Contesting then just reading it off 
> a screen? I don't ever see him changing his mind, so should I just bite my 
> tongue and let it go in one ear and out the other?

I don't know about your friend specifically. I know from listening to 
several ops talk who use all sorts of digital modes that it's common 
for them to operate with the volume on their radio turned off or 
nearly off. (I'll admit I turn mine down quite low but usually only 
after I believe the frequency is clear.)

It's easy to get in the habit of looking at your software with all the 
filters kicked in to "see" if the frequency is clear. How often do 
digital ops actually ask if the frequency is clear? If the effort is 
made does that really do anything useful for other modes? If I'm 
operating RTTY (or PSK, etc.) and I send QRL? and by some divine 
intervention someone in a CW QSO sent back "C", would I hear it? I'd 
guess not.

Obviously, I don't have an answer. Just more food for thought.

Tim, N9PUZ
Web: <http://www.n9puz.com>

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