Barry Murrell
zs2ez at axxess.co.za
Mon Nov 12 01:10:32 EST 2007
What a blast! Hadn't planned on operating this one, but when I found I had
some time off work this weekend decided to have some fun, and what fun it
Had never tried QTCs before, and was pleasantly surprised. N1MM Logger makes
QTCs quite simple, and after initial stumbling around (thanks to DC6RN and
DL3TD for their patience!) with receiving QTCs I finally seemed to get the
hang of it. Sending is a piece of cake! However I was amazed at the number
of stations that would fight through a pileup to work me, and then ask if I
wanted QTC.. despite a crowd of stations still calling! Also still had quite
a few stations that replied to my call only to be trampled by other callers
and did not respond when asked to repeat.
Band condx here were very strange indeed. On Saturday 40 was pretty lousy -
real battle to work anyone. 15 only started opening properly after 12h00
UTC, but ran really well into EU - not that good towards NA though. 20 never
really got going here, a struggle to pick up odd stations here and there. On
Sunday 40 was much better, but 15 was nowhere near Saturday's levels though.
20 was very odd again - hearing NA short path in the early afternoon was an
indicator that things weren't quite usual! Indeed 20 was in and out up until
a little after 20h00, when it died completely.
Noticed many of the "regulars" were missing this time. King of the NA
signals was definitely VE1OP - really strong all the time on both 15 and 20!
Thanks to all who worked me, and hope to see everyone again in the OK
Contest (and of course in the Roundup!!). Will have to look at a decent 80m
antenna - my dipole is not that hot, and I set off the house burglar alarm
when I transmit!!
Log will be uploaded to LOTW, and paper QSLs are always welcome!!
Band Q/QTC QSOs Pts Cty
7 QSO 36 36 60
7 RQTC 10 10 0
7 SQTC 20 20 0
14 QSO 162 162 92
14 RQTC 50 50 0
14 SQTC 120 120 0
21 QSO 265 265 118
21 RQTC 60 60 0
21 SQTC 100 100 0
Total All 823 823 270
Score : 222,210
Rig : Kenwood TS-870S with TL-922 Amp
Antennas : Cushcraft A3S @ 30ft, wire dipole for 40m
73 de Barry Murrell ZS2EZ
KF26TA - Port Elizabeth,South Africa
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