[RTTY] From the 3B7C team

Jerry Flanders jeflanders at comcast.net
Wed Oct 3 16:41:53 EDT 2007

At 01:07 PM 10/3/2007, Ekki Plicht (DF4OR) wrote:

>But sometimes during the CQWW RTTY I even asked US stations to spell 
>out their
>state. Two times "florida florida" or "minnessota minnessota" was much easier
>to decode than FL FL or MN MN. At least sometimes, and even if I had to type
>in the state manually. Condx were really bad so we could not decode the state
>Ekki, DF4OR


But with the same length transmission, he could have sent
"MN MN MN MN MN MN", or "FL FL FL FL FL". I would MUCH
prefer 5 or 6 repeats like this. I really don't think you want me to 
take the time to spell out my state South Carolina, especially if the 
S somehow garbles to a N en route.

Jerry W4UK

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