[RTTY] Macros in the JARTS

Phil Sauvey akdxer at yahoo.com
Mon Oct 22 13:30:57 EDT 2007

  The only issue I had was those stations that did not put a space between the signal report and their age (59943, etc). Macros are like radios, everybody has something different. With my interference and the busy band, sometimes I was glad when someone sent their call a few times. When a station called me, I did announce their call twice before sending my call but that was because I had a few runs with several stations calling and when I sent it twice, I had fewer repeats due to them not catching it from other stations still calling and also those with similiar callsigns (I had a run of VE3's for a bit).  Most of the macro's worked for me though.

Claude Du Berger <duberger.miousse81 at globetrotter.net> wrote:
  Am I the only one that found a lot of poor macros during the JARTS.
Not sure from where it came from... but for the first time lot of
guys were sending twice-twice the RST.

Also, more than 50% were sending my call twice when calling. It is
so easy to only send DE URCALL URCALL 

Also when asking for a repeat they would send again my call twice,
the rst etc. instead of only the exchange.

It's about time a macro PRO do something to let every body know
how to make simple, short macros.

73 de Claude VE2FK

ve2fk at arrl.net
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