Tom Martin tmartin at chartermi.net
Mon Oct 22 15:18:14 EDT 2007

Just a token appearance in this one.  The weekend was filled with chores, church, the Red Wings, and the Lions. I operated SO2R with out any problems.  It is easy when the second radio isn't hearing much!  My 40 meter beam at 80 feet is broken.  The bucket truck to reach 80 feet has been broken for 10 months!  The owner says it will cost $6,000 to repair it.  Not worth it I guess for just a few jobs a year. I used a Carolina Windom at 30 feet.  Not much DX with that antenna.  It also caused TVI on the Tivo.  The XYL complained for the first time ever.  The 40 beam at 80 feet never caused a problem.  I have to do something for 40 before the next contest.

 The 15 meter antenna didn't hear much at my location.  Sunday was dead.  

The money band was 20 meters.  Nice to work a few JAs Sunday evening.  Worked one JA through the PACTOR.

Got a new one on RTTY:  J88DR

Rigs:    FT1000MP and Alpha 99
              FT-990 and SB-220

Software:    N1MM and MMVARI

Antennas:    Hygain 502BA at 72 feet
                      Carolina Windom
                       A3S at 40 feet
                       80 V at 65 feet

Score Summary

Band        Contacts        Pts.        CTY

3.5            100                200            1

7                96                  203            11

14            254                 630            40

21             18                     47            10

Total score:    124, 200

Time On:        15.75 hrs.

Thanks to all who worked W8JWN in the contest.




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