[RTTY] 9M50MP country

Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Tue Oct 23 06:25:10 EDT 2007

Hi all,

So many replies! Yes, I know I could have edited the country-file in
Writelog, but I was wondering if there was a way to "allocate" or change a
country on the fly, without having to edit the coutry file, load it, then
restart WL.

As was pointed out, these 9M50 special callsigns were listed in the 425 DX
News, issue 852, BUT, it does say they were only valid between 30 August and
01 September!

I can't imagine Tex 9M2TO (QSL manager for 9M50MP) would have operated
illegally though!

And as was rightly pointed out, it doesn't make any difference with a
Cabrillo file!
The only difference it made to me was my claimed score calculation, and as
it was a mult for me, it made a lot of difference.

73 all


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