Jay ws7i at ewarg.org
Thu Sep 20 20:51:45 EDT 2007

Good thing that the contest isn't until next weekend unless I am all wet
behind the ears.  Most likely you are missing something to do with the
Sound Card?  Easiest way to Trouble shoot it might be to disable the
soundcard/rttywrite in the Writelog.ini file.

Probably in c:\windows but do a search and find it.

Then look for this line.  StartRtty=YES  and change it to StartRTTY=No

Then start it up and it should come up.  Then under Window --> RTTY Window
you can try it again.  Probaby you are using MMTTY ???  Most likely it
sounds like RttyWrite has a problem you might need to re-install.

BTW you can do the following with RTTYrite  find the file on your computer.
 Mine is in c:\ham\programs  dunno where others install things.  You can
use Windows Explorer and locate the file  rttyrite9.exe and then click on it.

Actually few know but its a stand alone program that will run just fine on
its own outside of Writelog.  You can right click and send to Desktop as a
shortcut.  That way you will be able to trouble shoot it adaquetely without
the rest of the program.

I haven't moved to 10.63 yet but assume things are the same.  10.62H works
this way for sure.


At 08:37 PM 9/20/2007 -0400, Stuart Spatz wrote:
>I am trying to set up for the contest this weekend and going crazy.
>I am running WriteLog V 10.63.
>When I hit enter to open a new log, I get the WriteLog window, a WriteLog
>Contest Selection window, a 60 WPM Baudot - Rttywrite window, a RTTY Control
>Panel, and an "RTTYRITE MFC Application window saying that the "RTTYRITE MFC
>Application has encountered a problem and need to close. We are sorry for
>the inconvenience." I gives me 3 options: Debug, Send Error Report, of Don't
>If I hit "don't send", I am left with the WriteLog window and a RTTY Control
>Panel. If I hot debug, I get the same results.
>Any help would be appreciated. 
>Please reply to slspatz at cox.net
>Thanks in advance.
>Stu Spatz

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