[RTTY] Fw: "Dnieper Cup'2007" Rules

UT1IA ut1ia at ukr.net
Sun Sep 23 05:04:14 EDT 2007


                        "Dnieper Cup'2007"


     The "Ukrainian Amateur Radio League (UARL)" is proud to invite you to
participate at our traditional international contest dedicated to HF
06 oct 2007.


1. Bands:     1,8 & 3,5 MHz according to IARU Region 1 band plan.
2. Mode:      SSB   16:00 - 17:59 UTC;
              CW    18:00 - 19:59 UTC;
              RTTY  20:00 - 21:59 UTC.

3. Call:      "CQ DNIEPER".
              Attention! With the same participant of the contest it is
              possible to make repeated QSO through 30 minutes on each band.

4. Exchange:  Two letters - the abbreviation of region (state, canton,
              province, land, uyzd, district, county, lan, etc.) + serial
              number starting from 001. For example:
              Poltava region (Ukraine) - PO001; Ancona (Italy) - AN021;
              Alsace (France)- AL035; Gotlands lan (Sweden) - GO123.

5. Scoring:   2 points for each contact on 3,5 MHz, 4 points for each
              contact on 1,8 MHz (including repeated QSO through
              30 minutes) + 10 points for new region (province, canton,
              district, etc.) on each bands.
6. Final
   scoring:   Sum total on 3,5MHz (RTTY+SSB+CW) + sum total on 1,8Mhz (RTTY+
              SSB+CW) for classes A & B.
              Sum total on 3,5MHz + sum total on 1,8Mhz for classes C,D & E.

7. Classes:   A - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, MIX(SSB+CW+RTTY);
              B - multi operators, two bands, one transmitter, MIX(SSB+CW+RTTY);
              C - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, RTTY;
              D - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, SSB;
              E - single operator, two bands, one transmitter, CW;
              F - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, MIX(SSB+CW+RTTY);
              G - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, MIX(SSB+CW+RTTY);
              H - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, SSB;
              I - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, SSB;
              J - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, CW;
              K - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, CW;
              L - single operator, 1,8 MHz, one transmitter, RTTY;
              M - single operator, 3,5 MHz, one transmitter, RTTY.

8. Awards:    Award - "Dnieper Cup" - first place for "A" and "B" classes.
              Diploma "Dnieper Cup" - first, second & third place for all

9. Logs:      Cabrillo format is prefered. LOG need your personal info,
              class, address; full QSO data, eg: band, mode, date, time,
              your call, send exchange, station call, received exchange.
              Follow is an example of LOG file.

              For example:

CLUB: KPC "Kremenchug radioamateurs union"
ADDRESS: Kremenchug-21
ADDRESS: Ukraine
ADDRESS: 39621
ADDRESS: email: krs(@)model.poltava.ua
OPERATORS: 1.... 2..... 3.....
QSO:  3600 PH 2007-10-06 1600 UT1HZM        PO  001    UR5EDX       DN  001
QSO:  3600 PH 2007-10-06 1600 UT1HZM        PO  002    UU4JXM       KR  003
QSO:  1900 PH 2007-10-06 1610 UT1HZM        PO  003    UX5HY        OD  004
QSO:  3500 CW 2007-10-06 1800 UT1HZM        PO  001    EW8MW        GO  001
QSO:  3500 CW 2007-10-06 1802 UT1HZM        PO  002    UR7VA        KI  002
QSO:  1800 CW 2007-10-06 1807 UT1HZM        PO  003    UY5WA        LV  003
QSO:  3590 RY 2007-10-06 2000 UT1HZM        PO  001    UZ7HO        PO  003
QSO:  3590 RY 2007-10-06 2003 UT1HZM        PO  002    YL2KF        LM  001
QSO:  1840 RY 2007-10-06 2006 UT1HZM        PO  003    UX5HY        OD  002

      CATEGORY: pse write symbol A, B... or M. Check LOG - Z.

                All participants in any class must send his log as one file -
                "call.cbr", for example oh2lu.cbr...
                And as well a summary sheet. Comments, anecdotes and
                suggestions will be welcomed.
                LOGs entries must be postmarked or E-mailed
                by 07.Nov.2007.

10. Note:       We shall make the control each of LOG's with use special
                software and computer, therefore it is desirable LOG to
                execute on an adduced breadboard model. This form LOG
                (CABRILLO) is convenient for direct input of the information
                in the computer. Format - ASCII (is desirable). Prepared LOG
                it is desirable to grant as a file through E-mail, for fast
                processing and definition of results this contest.

                NEW!!!  Special software for this contest we can see:

                If participaint will be use N6TR software, we have spacial
                converter for LOG with CABRILLO-format. We can see:
                Attention! Look at fail-archives here!

                If participaint will be use MIXW2 software, pse look and
                explore the possibilities macros <WKDPERIOD:30>, for
                realization control repeated QSO in 30 minutes period.

11. Address for
    LOG's:        GEORGE IGNATOV (UT1HT), P.O. Box 87,
                  KREMENCHUG-21, UKRAINE, 39621.
                  E-mail:  krs at model.poltava.ua

12. Result of "Dnieper Cup'2007" you can see at:

               The abbreviation of Ukrainian regions
                    27 administrative regions

          CH - Cherkasy region           LV - Lviv region
          CR - Chernigiv region          NI - Mykolaev region
          CN - Chernivcy region          OD - Odesa region
          DN - Dniepropetrovsk region    PO - Poltava region
          DO - Donetsk region            RI - Rivno region
          HA - Kharkiv region            SL - Sevastopil city
          HE - Kherson region            SU - Sumy region
          HM - Khmelnitskij region       TE - Ternopil region
          IF - Ivanofrankivsk region     VI - Vinnytsa region
          KI - Kirovograd region         VO - Volyn region
          KO - Kiev region               ZA - Zakarpattya region
          KR - A.R. Crimea               ZH - Zhitomir region
          KV - Kiev city                 ZP - Zaporizhzhe region
          LU - Lugansk region

               We hope to meet you in the "DNIEPER CUP'2007"
      and please kindly inform your friends about rules of this Contest!

                         Welcome to the Contest!

Best regards,
 George UT1HT                         mailto:krs at model.poltava.ua

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