[RTTY] W1SLF joins the WAS Ranks

Robert Montemerlo montemerlo at verizon.net
Fri Apr 4 22:54:08 EDT 2008

Just received ARRL RTTY WAS #574 for W1SLF at Sugarloaf Mountain in Maine.

100% LoTW which took 2 NAQP contests and two skeds to complete the entire
thing electronically. Nothing but 100 watts, a doublet, and some extra time
over the winter months.

The certificate is a new design from mine (#435). It is now laid out in
landscape mode and is a bit more colorful. Just a sight change but I like
it. You can see a copy up on the W1SLF web site via QRZ.com. I don't know
when it was updated.

Thanks to all who worked W1SLF. I usually post a note here when it goes
active (most of the winter and occasionally in the off seasons)

Bob KB1JZU (Trustee W1SLF)

PS Of 172 countries logged to date by W1SLF 86+ have confirmed via LoTW and
I expect more to clear. Got to love it but I still automatically QSL all DX
via the Bureau.


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