Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Thu Aug 7 17:17:16 EDT 2008

VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES for week ending 07 August  (BID RTDX0807)

Our information this week came from AA5AU, I5FLN, UT5RP, GB7DXG and
the DX Summit.
Thank you all.


Friday 01
0236-14082	A35RK
1111-14084	TF/DL3PS
1252-14089	VR2008O Special Event
1339-14086	TI9II
1354-14086	DU1UGZ
1420-14085	VU2NKS
1422-14087	CQ35MD
1507-14088	HL5BMX
1523-18105	WP4U
1528-18106	F5OAM
1531-10139	MW/DL6JZ
1552-10141	EU7SA
1601-10141	EW1KP
1611-14085	BT1OY
1616-7037	6K5AYC
1618-14087	AO2008EXPO Special Event
1649-14083	CE3PG
1854-10139	MW/DL6JZ
1924-10144	TF/DL3PS
1934-10143	II5EME
1951-10144	SP8AQA
2001-10139	JA3AZD
2009-10145	DL6ATM
2017-10143	HB9AAA
2034-10145	DL5AXX
2038-10146	DM2LL
2041-14083	LU3CQ
2049-10144	SV2DGH
2102-14086	PY2DN
2136-14087	J69DS
2137-10145	OZ1JVX
2146-10143	PT7AZ
2156-18103	LU5FF
2201-14083	EA6BH
2251-28083	HL14ARDF Special Event

Saturday 02
0000 - TARA Grid Dip Contest begins.
0105-14084	J69DS
0108-21100	BT1OB
0227-28099	JA8EIU
0320-14084	A35RK
0326-21084	E21YDP
0402-7040	SY7ISDE Special Event
0638-14089	E21YDP
0732-18105	EA7KS
0911-14087	HL4RBR
0915-14083	DV1JM
0923-14084	YB0EIN
0937-14089	E21YDP
0942-14092	CU1F
1051-7033	CO8LY
1117-14086	JT1DN
1129-3523	HL14ARDF
1311-14084	HL4RBR
1315-14093	VR2008O
1348-14084	TF/DL3PS
1429-14098	5B4AIL
1454-14086	BT1OH
1458-14082	LU3CQ
1617-14088	VU2NKS
1740-14082	NL7V
1940-14080	PY7ZZ
1947-10138	II5EME
2047-14085	J69DS
2113-1840	G8BOJ
2120-14085	SY7ISDE
2120-10146	MM5DWN
2400 - TARA Grid Dip Contest ends.

Sunday 03
0132-21086	BT1OY
0133-18107	BT1OB
0647-14085	8N150IH Special Event
0701-14085	SY77ISDE
0832-21086	BT1ON
0837-21090	BT1OH
0838-14090	8N150IH
0906-18107	VR2008O
0940-3523	HL14ARDF
1007-14088	SY7ISDE
1052-14084	MM0EAX
1102-14082	OY3JE
1125-14086	JT1DN
1128-24920	DH6BH
1213-21128	MM0EAX
1227-14086	BD7OH
1326-14090	VR2008O
1442-14086	OY3JE
1446-14087	TI8II
1448-14086	VU2NKS
1500-14086	TF/DL3PS
1512-14084	UN8PX
1525-14083	GM4FDM
1537-14083	LX1ER
1541-14085	EA6/G4EZT
1636-10145	SY7ISDE
1801-14089	BT1OB
2057-14083	PT7AZ
2108-14081	OY3JE
2112-14084	HC2GF
2143-14082	HK6DOS
2154-10143	SP4K
2219-14090	EA6BH

Monday 04
0059-18100	A35RK
0142-18103	ZL1BYZ
0755-21088	BT1OH
1120-7035	BT1OH
1223-14089	VR2008O
1248-14084	DV1JM
1304-14085	JT1KAA
1345-14082	MM0EAX
1416-14082	EA6/G4EZT
1427-18101	VU2NKS
1515-14086	JT1DN
1529-14079	E20WXA
1605-14082	4K9W
1626-14083	ZD7X
1635-14086	7Z1HB
1649-14083	GM0TQJ
1649-10142	IQ8OM
1649-14083	GM0TQJ
1931-10139	II5EME
2029-14082	TF3PPN
2037-14085	KP4ED
2151-14092	SV9CVY
2210-14088	CS95BD
2217-7039	VU3DJQ
2218-14086	2I0SAI
2345-14083	YV6BFE

Tuesday 05
0106-10145	HL14ARDF
1002-10142	IQ8OM
1100-14083	HL14ARDF
1157-14080	VR2008O
1251-14086	JT1DN
1311-14086	XU7ABN
1434-14082	9K2/SP4R
1748-14087	7Z1HB
1835-14087	PY2NY
2021-14088	TF3AO
2035-10142	RZ3PS
2112-14085	XE3RR
2134-14089	YW5IOTA
2139-14088	CS95BD
2140-10144	IK2XDE
2203-14084	EA8AOP
2208-14090	FM1HN
2343-14081	XE2MX

Wednesday 06
0306-14088	KL8DX
0426-14085	JT1DN
0918-21085	VR2008O
1028-7031	DV1JM
1039-14086	EA6/G4EZT
1043-7041	TI8II
1146-14087	VR2008O
1207-14081	4D75J
1209-14089	LX1EA
1232-14081	GI4WXA
1241-14084	XU7ABN
1244-14084	MM0EAX
1259-14088	4O7A
1314-14084	HL2KV
1333-14086	GM0VRP
1345-14088	BT1OY
1442-14088	BT1OJ
1512-14088	BT1OJ
1535-14093	VU2NKS
1831-14080	VP9/IK2RZP
1905-14083	LX1ER
1922-28083	EA1DR
1947-14085	PY7ZZ
2019-14083	PP5/OE9APV
2030-7031	DV1JM
2038-14082	YW5IOTA
2116-14087	FM5WE
2134-14089	CX2AL
2215-7082	TI8II

Thursday 07
0136-10137	YV5MM
0149-10137	K4FX
0215-7038	VP9/IK2RZP
0432-1808	W6WRT
0557-14083	4L1BR
0615-14086	KL8DX
0624-14085	JT1DN
0858-18100	HA/DL2PL
1150-14087	VR2000O
1208-7035	VR2008O
1321-14082	D8TG
1323-14082	HL14ADF
1323-18103	ON3VY
1352-14090	BT1OH
1508-18103	IU7SRE
1509-10140	YU8/S56M
1623-18104	IS0GQX
1646-10139	UN7TW
1651-14080	HL14ARDF
1715-14087	LX8DL
1807-14081	TS1CUBS
1833-14085	EA8/ON4IPA
1950-14085	J69DS
2002-14092	CS95BD
2050-14088	FM5WD

Notes of interest:

The SARTG RTTY Contest takes place over the weekend of 16/17 August
See www.sartg.com/contest/wwrules.htm for the full rules.

Guadeloupe FG till Aug 17 TO8S by F5IRO & F8CRS

Bermuda VP9 till Aug 24 by IK2RZP as VP9/IK2RZP
QSL to home call

Cape Verde D4 till Aug 18 by IK2NCJ Call to be decided
QRV for SARTG RTTY Contest!

Senegal 6W till Aug 22 6V7L by F8ATM

Dominican Republic HI9 till Aug 22 by IK2GNW as HI9/IK2GNW

The VK2SG RTTY DX NOTES are distributed every week via the
Winlink network, and are also available on the Internet at
URL http://mailman.qth.net/mailman/listinfo/vk2sg-rtty
and the digital-dx reflector.

To subscribe to the digital-dx reflector, send an e-mail
message to majordomo at mla.nifty.ne.jp as follows:
Subject:(blank) Message Body: subscribe digital-dx

For next week's bulletin, send your bandpass and notes of
interest to Luciano, I5FLN at e-mail: luciano.fusari at alice.it

73 es Good RTTY DXing


GL and GD RTTY DX de
Phil Cooper  GU0SUP       email pcooper at guernsey.net
Guernsey IOTA EU-114      www.guernsey.net/~pcooper


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