[RTTY] "Straight key night" for RTTY

Kok Chen chen at mac.com
Sun Dec 7 12:28:39 EST 2008

On Dec 7, 2008, at 12/7    5:00 AM, Roger Cooke wrote:

> Even common old EU
> stations when returning to a CQ on RTTY
> come back with 599 73  and that's it!

You are lucky that they just send you a 599 73 and then go SK and not  
be heard from again.

Some of us get screenfuls of nothing but canned stuff and then some  
macro telling us the time they had logged us, down to the second,  
before they'd go away.

What we need is a "No Macro Night," eh? :-) :-)

Chen, W7AY

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