[RTTY] RFI Problems

Marc Tessier - VE3TES ve3tes at cogeco.ca
Mon Dec 8 16:58:24 EST 2008

Well I found my Problem, After doing some real hard gazing at my installation, and finally opening my eyes wide open I had forgotten I had done 2 things differently this time around, The first was my Keyboard cable was not long enough, so I had made an extension cable for it, I took that apart and added 3 torroids to that part of the equation, While the situation greatly improved it would still lock up near 75 watts key up, then I recalled I was now some 5 feet closer to my PC than I was before, and I had removed my lovely shielded self made serial cable and substituted it for the cheappy that came with the 1279, While I was at it I added some torroids to this part of the equation, BINGO, no more lock ups, I guess them nice shiny new cables look nice, but don't quite get the job done all of the time...
Just thought I would post my findings to the group in the event that it may help out someone else later on, It just goes to show us the simplest of items can cause such major grief.

Hope to see all and work many during the upcoming contests...

73 and thanks to all that responded with words of wisdom, I already did have Torroids on all my coax, and all the lines to and from the PC except for the 2 I mentioned earlier...

Oh well I learned from this episode,
 Rule #1- Never wait until 30 minutes before a contest to set things up... HiHi
Rule #2- Don't trust a shiny new cable no matter how pretty it looks...Hi Hi

Marc Tessier - VE3TES

ve3tes at cogeco.ca

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