Phil Cooper pcooper at guernsey.net
Mon Feb 11 05:36:53 EST 2008

Hi all,

This was my best ever contest entry! I wanted to make a big effort this
year, and try to make a big score, but that really depended on conditions.
I wasn't sure that 15m would open too much, let alone 10m, but as mults
count only once, that wouldn't really be so important.
Last year, I made 533 Q's for around 627k points, so I wanted to try and
beat that.

Well, I succeeded, and by a huge margin! I had 400 Q's logged when I called
it a night on Saturday, and went off to bed. I knew that it would be hard to
find new ones to work on Sunday, but 600 Q's seemed to be an easy target, so
that was what I aimed for when I got up on Sunday morning.
Then I hit the 600 mark just after my Sunday roast, so I set a new target of
700. I reached that at around 1615UTC, and noted the score was close to the
1 million points, so I set yet another target to hit the 1m mark.
I did that with something like 750, so decided that 800 was a good target to
aim for.
Somewhere around 1800UTC on Sunday, I had a go at CQ'ing on 40m, and the
rate was amazing.

I have to say a big thankyou to Andrei, who pulled me out of the noise on
80m for a new band-slot for me, and also to V31GW and NP3U for  new ones on
80m. And what a surprise to log NP3U on all 5 bands! They were my one and
only 10m contact! I also got 7Z1SJ on 15m for a new one there too.

I must apologise to P40R for the second call just a minute after the 1st,
but I did not get acknowledgement and lost them in the noise. I needed the
mult, and wanted to make sure.

So here is my best ever contest entry:
Band 	QSOs 	QSO points	Prefixes
80m: 	 126	      532	  78
40m:	 249	     1028	  94
20m:	 442	     1035	 249
15m:	  34	       84	              13
10m:	   1	        3	               0
Totals:	852     	    2682	434
Total:	1163988
Op time - about 26 hours overall, including lunch and comfort breaks!

I know this doesn't seem to be such a huge score, especially when compared
to some, but with my small and low antennas, this is an amazing achievment
for me. And I was very surprised to make over 100 Q's on 80m!

Thanks to all for the huge amount of fun. My log is already on LoTW (and
thanks to those whose confirmation I already have!), and paper cards are
always welcome here too.

73 all, and thanks for the fun!


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