[RTTY] Rttyrite Window tab "Edit" Copy problem

Phil Florig W9IXX at arrl.net
Mon Feb 11 13:17:12 EST 2008

Hi all,

I use the WL Rttyrite window w/MMTTY and am having a problem using the 
Edit/Copy function.

This I think, is the standard "copy to clipboard" Windows function and does 
not seem
to work right.  I use this to save a copy of RTTY qsos and have been using 
fine for years except
lately. I think something happened with the newer version of WL I have. 
Currently is
10.65C.  Also using XP on a newer Dell.

Sometimes it works ok but most of the time it will not Copy the print from 
the window.
What text is in the clipboard is what I used before with another program or 
if I do get a
copy from Rttyrite it will not update as the print changes.  This function 
seems to work
ok with all the other applications I have.  It does not capture the text in 
the Rttyrite window.

Would appreciate comments and/or suggestions.  Could not find any info in 
the help files
of WL or Windows.   If there is another and/or better way to capture qsos?

Thanks for reading this.

73  Phil  W9IXX

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