[RTTY] WPX Contest

John Desmond k0tg at yahoo.com
Wed Feb 13 10:38:10 EST 2008

I have noticed that behavior with Writelog for some time.  Even if there is a DE in front of the call it will miss the portable part of the callsign and I have to put it in manually.  


----- Original Message ----
From: "Inbody, Don" <don at inbody.net>
To: Don <af4z at cfl.rr.com>
Cc: RTTY at contesting.com
Sent: Sunday, February 10, 2008 8:38:14 PM
Subject: Re: [RTTY] WPX Contest

 Well,  I  was  sure  something  like  that  was  happening.   There  will  be  a  few  busted  calls,  though.  

I  see  I  worked  you  in  2006  and  2007,  but  have  missed  you  this  year.   Hope  we  can  meet  up  again.

73,  Don  ADØK

-----Original  Message-----
From:  rtty-bounces at contesting.com  [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com]  On  Behalf  Of  Don
Sent:  Sunday,  February  10,  2008  20:30
To:  Inbody,  Don
Cc:  RTTY at contesting.com
Subject:  Re:  [RTTY]  WPX  Contest


I  would  think  your  call  may  have  been  AD0K  in  earlier  contests  and  the
logging  software  is  picking  up  the  AD0K  and  thinks  the  /5  is  bad  data  and
not  part  of  the  call.  I  have  seen  this  many  times  in  past  contests.
The  Friend  File  looks  at  the  call  put  into  the  call  field  and  checks  to  see
if  there  is  name  link  to  the  call.  It  does  not  control  what  call  is  decoded
or  sent  during  the  exchange. 
Don   AF4Z

-----Original  Message-----
From:  rtty-bounces at contesting.com  [mailto:rtty-bounces at contesting.com]  On
Behalf  Of  Inbody,  Don
Sent:  Saturday,  February  09,  2008  5:10  PM
To:  rtty at contesting.com
Subject:  [RTTY]  WPX  Contest

I  noted  that  several  operators  refused  to  add  the  /5  to  my  callsign  AD0K/5
despite  several  attempts  for  them  to  get  it  right.  I  am  wondering  if  the
"friends"  list  on  WriteLog  might  be  the  main  culprit.


73,  Don  ADØK



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