[RTTY] Microham RTTY

Eric - VE3GSI ve3gsi at sympatico.ca
Thu Feb 28 13:12:07 EST 2008

Phil and gang,

If I may jump in. First in a contest, I would not suggest using any diddle
settings. I think diddles are good when sending text from a keyboard, but
not a good idea for fast turn-around contest exchanges.

Phil, there is no doubt you have a keen ear.  The microHAM Router does have
an option called 'strict bps' and I find (on my set-up) this option not
required with MMTTY when used with WriteLog. If 'Strict bps' is checked on
my set-up the speed will decrease by around %10 or about 1/2 sec for a 5 sec
macro. Not a lot, but for us older Ops that have cut our 'tty teeth on
mechanical monsters, noticeable. 

This could also be the reason the diddles sound slightly slower, after all a
diddle is just a secession of no print shift characters.

I hasten to add, 'strict bps' is required when using RTTYrite, an option
programme used with WL. In this case it is to prevent the PTT prematurely
cutting off the end of macros. This is something I had learned only this
morning. I would also suggest anyone wishing to uncheck 'strict bps' option,
please do so with care and check with fellow Op's that the end of your
macros remain intact.

As always, further comments and corrections are welcome.

73 Eric - VE3GSI

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Cooper
> Sent: February 28, 2008 11:51 AM
> To: Kok Chen; RTTY Reflector
> Subject: Re: [RTTY] Microham RTTY
> Hi Chen and the group,
> Chen, thanks for the interesting explanation of the VP6DX 
> RTTY! I have one more query about the microham interface, as 
> VP6DX exhibited the phenomena.
> Why is it that microham RTTY sounds odd? It is almost as if 
> it is going slow, or maybe the diddles aren't quite in step. 
> There is a distinct sound when someone uses a microham 
> interface, and it is quite common in contests.
> I know they have "diddle when idle" checked, as it does 
> diddle, but somewhat more slowly than usual.
> So what causes the "sound" to change when using a microham 
> unit? Is it due to the different Baud rate?
> 73 de Phil GU0SUP

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